Redefining Space Research: Where Holistic Vision Meets Disruptive Innovation

Research is the driving force of the S.P.A.C.E ecosystem. It feeds on our insatiable curiosity and desire to discover, supporting an unending exploration of the universe around us. Our approach to research goes beyond the conventional, breaking the boundaries of fields traditionally associated with space to embrace a broader and more holistic vision.

We believe that the concept of research in the space sector is often limited to scientific and technological scopes. This limitation is largely due to prevailing mindsets and current challenges. However, we firmly believe that an extra effort is needed to build a future that does not inherit the problems caused by a narrow vision. Drawing from our experience on Earth—a planet that has suffered due to poor choices, misconceptions, and injustices—we know we must learn from our history to write a better one.

In the space age, we have the unique fortune of starting a new story, and with it comes great responsibility. We are convinced that our vision of research must be holistic, including not only scientific aspects but also humanistic ones. Moreover, we recognize the importance of considering not just the short, medium, and long term, but also the very long term.

We pay attention to disruptive players—those who can trigger significant change in how we see and interact with space. Our goal is to collaborate with these entities, forming fruitful partnerships to create new opportunities and push the boundaries of our understanding of space.

We publish research articles, detailed analyses, insights, interviews, courses, and documentaries, all designed to spread knowledge and stimulate discussion on a wide range of space topics.

Our commitment to research is not limited to the present but is strongly oriented towards the future. We are constantly striving to discover new ways to expand the boundaries of knowledge, ensuring that S.P.A.C.E remains at the forefront. Through research, S.P.A.C.E aims to illuminate the mysteries of space, sharing these discoveries with the world.

Specifically, our research activities relate to: